
YoucommunicatewiththisserverviaasimpleHTTPS-interfacethatoffersasimplifiedversionoftheTelegramAPI.LearnmoreabouttheBotAPIhere».Bot ...,Real-timestatusandproblemsforTelegram.Istheappnotworking?Can'tsendorreadmessages?Hereyouseewhatisgoingon.,Telegramwasfoundedin2013byNikolaiandPavelDurov....Itsserversaredistributedworldwide,whiletheheadquartersareinDubai,UnitedArabEmirates.,Unofficialopensource...

Telegram APIs

You communicate with this server via a simple HTTPS-interface that offers a simplified version of the Telegram API. Learn more about the Bot API here ». Bot ...

Telegram down or not working? Live status, problems and ...

Real-time status and problems for Telegram. Is the app not working? Can't send or read messages? Here you see what is going on.

Telegram (software)

Telegram was founded in 2013 by Nikolai and Pavel Durov. ... Its servers are distributed worldwide, while the headquarters are in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.


Unofficial open source mtproto server written in golang with compatible telegram client. go chat golang telegram messaging messenger mtproto im im-server ...

How Does Telegram Work? A Comprehensive Look

2023年5月5日 — Telegram also uses a peer-to-peer network to optimise messaging speed and reduce server load. When two clients are connected to the same network ...

用Telegram 保隱私?致命性漏洞使你門戶洞開!

2021年8月22日 — ... 伺服器中。包含Telegram 的員工或駭客,只要取得伺服器權限,就可以窺探你跟朋友下週要去哪裡吃飯,或是你傳給同事的公司機密。Mimoun 引用資安研究者 ...

[tg教學] 在Telegram中使用proxy 通訊更安全

2019年10月23日 — 在Telegram中使用proxy (代理伺服器)的好處是,可以在Telegram中更安全地通訊,但不影響其他app的連線速度。而且一打開Telegram就自動連上proxy,不用 ...

Telegram Messenger

Telegram lets you access your chats from multiple devices. Fast. Telegram delivers messages faster than any other application.

Telegram被用在雲端Windows Server發動挖礦攻擊

2021年8月11日 — Splunk安全研究人員發現一樁挖礦攻擊,駭客結合Telegram作為攻擊工具,鎖定Amazon Web Service(AWS)上的Windows Server植入挖礦軟體。


Telegram(非正式簡稱TG、電報、紙飛機)是跨平台的即時通訊軟體,其用戶端是自由及開放原始碼軟體,但伺服器端是專有軟體。使用者可以相互交換加密與自毀訊息,傳送相片、 ...